

Our services are designed around the needs and objectives of our clients. Our understanding of the regulatory expectations in the regions that we operate, along with a deep knowledge of the latest scientific advances, ensures we maintain excellence.

As a scientific and engineering consultancy, we have a range of professional capabilities offered in support of our specialist services including project management, project scoping and design, expert witness, and regulatory advice and support.

The following sections outline our capabilities in more detail. For more information or if your requirement is not covered above, please contact us.
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Underwater Noise Modelling and 
Environmental Impact Assessments

Underwater acoustic propagation modelling is an essential component of many marine EIAs. Many marine protected species and commercially significant fish species are highly sensitive to underwater noise and as such, careful management of noise generating activities is a regulatory requirement for most marine developments.

We have a range of different modelling techniques that can be used according to the severity of the noise, complexity of the environment and proximity to sensitive receptors.
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Detailed Numerical Modelling

Our detailed modelling uses a complete set of environmental parameters and advanced solvers to estimate noise propagation with range, depth and frequency. Combining Subacoustech’s own empirical source level modelling with appropriate third-party solvers (Parabolic Equation, Ray Tracing and Normal Modes), highly detailed outputs can be obtained with a high degree of confidence. 
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A range dependent, semi-empirical broadband noise propagation model developed by Subacoustech and refined over 10 years using hundreds of datasets from field studies. Due to the nature of the data used to formulate and validate INSPIRE, it has shown a good level of accuracy for piling events in the waters similar to the North Sea and UK continental shelf.
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Source Level Modelling

Estimation of the acoustic source level is a critical parameter as small discrepancies can be magnified significantly during modelling. Our substantial library of underwater noise measurements, particularly of impact piling has been used to compile an advanced noise source level model. This uses the pile diameter, blow energy and water depth to estimate the apparent source level.
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SPEAR – Simple Propagation Estimation and Ranking

A simple geometric spreading model that uses measured source level data and ranks underwater noise sources according to the likely magnitude of effect.
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A low resolution version of INSPIRE that has been adapted to run very quickly for use in multi-disciplinary workshop settings. Clients have found INSPIRE Light workshops to be a very useful tool for reducing risk and cost in the consenting process by identifying problematic scenarios at a very early stage.
For all our modelling approaches, we have an ongoing program of validation and refinement as our library of field measurements expands. Where data falls within a range of values (as is frequently the case) we use levels at the upper bounds of the data to ensure that estimates are conservative and potential impacts are not under-predicted in a way that would lead to later compliance issues.

For more detail on our modelling capabilities please contact us.
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Underwater Noise Measurements

Field measurements are a critical aspect to all that we do. First-hand experience of noise generating activities and the noise levels that might be expected adds value to all our services. 

Our measurement services utilise a range of fully calibrated, instrumentation grade hydrophones and recording equipment covering every scenario. We have the capacity to undertake long-term ambient noise monitoring, piling or blasting monitoring, passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) systems or Sound Source Verification (SSV).
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Fully attended monitoring

This is our preferred approach wherever possible. It ensures the most reliable data collection as data quality is verified at the time and measurements can be repeated if quality issues are detected. 

Where time allows, measurements are taken over a wide area and at different depths to determine spatial variation. In addition, this can be combined with fixed position monitoring to provide temporal variation.

Suitable for:
Inshore construction noise monitoring
Combined underwater noise and seabed vibration studies
Sound Source Verification (SSV) of static sources

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Short-term autonomous monitoring

Monitors are configured to continuously record high-quality noise measurements for periods of 72 hours or more at sampling rates of up to 500 kHz. If required, real-time monitoring over a wireless connection can also be configured.

Suitable for:
 Single event monitoring such as blasting
 Sound Source Verification (SSV) of mobile sources
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Long-term autonomous monitoring

For longer periods, our solutions continuously process and store noise levels in terms of 1/3 octave band levels (or linear frequency bands) while simultaneously recording raw audio recording data according to a defined duty cycle to optimise use of storage. This low power solution enables continuous recording for three months or more.
 Suitable for:
 Baseline noise monitoring
 Campaign monitoring (before, during and after a campaign)
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Passive Acoustic Monitoring

We can supply a range of PAM equipment along with operators, and JNCC and BOEM-approved marine mammal and protected species observers (MMO and PSO). PAM equipment interfacing with the industry standard PAMGuard software can be provided in configurations including single “dipped” hydrophones, vertical and towed arrays. For long-term detection of mid and high frequency cetaceans, we are experienced in the deployment and analysis of C-Pod click detectors.

Suitable for:
 Coastal, shore-based monitoring
 Vessel-based attended (dipped hydrophone) monitoring
 Vessel-based vertical or towed array

Developing Bespoke Solutions

While we have a range of solutions ready to deploy at short notice, we have particular expertise in developing bespoke solutions for deployment in challenging environments, such as fast flowing rivers or very deep water with different options for seabed frames, surface buoys or acoustic releases.

In addition to acoustic monitoring, we can combine our monitoring solutions with other environmental monitoring in a single deployment, offering significant savings on separate mobilisations. Previous deployments have included turbidity monitoring at the seabed and mid-water and C-Pod marine mammal click detectors. 
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Airborne Environmental Noise Monitoring

In addition to our expertise in underwater acoustics, we also have considerable expertise in airborne noise studies as many of our staff have worked for years in traditional acoustic consultancy. As such, we offer cost effective airborne environmental noise monitoring solutions to BS4142 using fully calibrated Type 1 sound level meters as well as offshore airborne noise sampling. Our environmental noise monitoring solution can monitor continuously for up to 8 days (or 4 days with continuous 4G data upload) or indefinitely with the addition of mains or solar power. 
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Consultancy and Engineering

Subacoustech has a long history of undertaking challenging and innovative development projects. We invest significantly in research and development in order to enhance our services and meet the needs of our clients. Development projects may be undertaken in-house or with our specialist partners. Our expertise includes:

 Systems engineering:
Analogue electronics and signal processing; Bulk data management and analysis; Systems automation and integration.  
 Physical engineering:
Subsea housing design; Mooring design; Solar power solutions.
 Signal Processing:
Data analysis and signal processing using Python and Matlab.
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